
Caliva: Ultra Quality Vape Oil Cartridge Review: Cali OG/Pillow Talk


Covering the ultra-high end world of the cannabis biz is an exciting thing for a journalist. There are so many different facets of the business to focus on. The humble cannabis plant itself is so diverse, offering multiple uses from one seed. To be entrusted with the ability to taste and offer cohesive notes on the quality of the product is a great honor. Drilling down a bit deeper, and writing product notes, especially the ones on ultra-high-end cannabis inventions are a most subjective thing, especially to a taste maker. However, one of the downfalls of my craft as a taste maker, is that difficulty that I keep coming across in the broader marketplace. Many of the products that I’ve been given to sample are made with all great ingredients, they have to be tested multiple times for purity. I’ve found in the world of cannabis, pleasure in reviewing the 510 cart. These are pretty expensive products, and through my somewhat educated palate I aspire to give tasting notes that offer a deeper perception of their individual aromatics, effects and terroir. Recently, many of my samples have been skewed towards sweet, sweeter and sweetest, in the form of their aromatics and their overall flavor. The really sticky sweet ones do not appeal to me. It’s as if the entire cannabis community decided that all vape carts were to be sugary sweet. Pretty disappointing to someone who doesn’t make sweet drinks. That is until I tasted the oils produced by the vertically integrated company, located in San Jose California, named Caliva. “The Most Trusted Brand in Cannabis.”  The two marvelously juicy cannabis oils that I was fortunate enough to taste from Caliva are the Cali OG, bursting with the earthy delights of the plant and the other beautifully designed 510 cartridge simply named Pillow Talk. Quite the provocative name for a simply designed, and marvelously topped with cool and sanitary stainless steel against my lips.

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Reviews Uncategorized

Session Goods: Simplicity and Modesty in Form Through Function

Session Goods seeks to expand your intellect, one gentle pull off their elegant glass bong at a time. But what does this mean to the consumer? Not since college, back in the early 1980’s, have I even thought about owning a bong, with most of them just too fragile and complicated for my tastes. In recent years I’ve really have shied away from this oft powerful method of imbibing cannabis. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the way they look, but more as a metaphor for their craft, instead of just getting buzzed. I just haven’t enjoyed the experience that they offer from all those twists and turns of the expensive, hand-blown glass.  Every time I walk into a high-end “Head Shop” I’m always intrigued by the multitudes of intricate glass bongs, but I really have no use for one. Why? They all seem so cumbersome to use, and most are quite difficult to keep clean. I had a bong in prep school as I remember, and I think I even had a couple of them in college in the 80’s. They were nothing more than straight tube bongs, made of plastic (as I remember), with metal down pipes and harsh metal bowls. They were not well made, nor nice to look at. They leaked and made a mess in my Jeep. They would get incredibly hot, and even dirtier than the worst childhood dream realized of drinking the (unsavory) bong-water by mistake. Let’s just say that they were not the most elegant things, not something that I’m proud of in my fading memories of those years. Then, this Xmas season, I was suddenly overwhelmed by all sorts of electronic implements to smoke cannabis from. Most of these really expensive devices took concentrates, product that I cannot find in my state. They were wildly powerful, and one or two made me feel really physically ill afterwards. Not a good start when someone is supposed to review a machine that costs several hundreds of dollars, and that’s before the raw ingredients are added to the bill. So I’m careful about what hardware I agree to review, and even more careful when it comes to complex glass that requires intricate cleaning. Some glass bongs are just meant to be cleaned by professionals. I don’t have time to over intellectualize the process of cleaning my cannabis glassware, and you shouldn’t either!

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Articles Reviews

Jane West: Luxury Cannabis Accoutrements

Warren Bobrow iPhone X

Jane West

Jane West is a real person! A real mom and a real celebrity of her own hard work and never-ending, entrepreneurial efforts. Jane is effortless and cool, in a high-mountain, Colorado-Mountain Cool- kind of way- and she has Ultra-LUXURY with a uniquely feminine twist on her mind. This is an exalted place to be, in the tall seat at the front of the room, crowded by mere onlookers. Jane is at the top of the class with her gleaming line of chic and well designed cannabis smoking accessories. And she wants you to know she is different and therefore unique. There is a distinctively feminine approach to the Classic- one of the multitude of well-designed, non-antagonistic cannabis smoking experiences. This device is a true classic dug-out pipe- exceptionally modernized for the successful woman about town- who doesn’t want to shout when she medicates. The design of the ‘cigarette’ portion of the classic dug-out is sleek and finished with a tiny Jane West logo and flat matte finish. It does not shout, and smoking through the tiny chamber is cool and care-free. Jane West sent a Classic for review and the results couldn’t have been more wonderful. First of all, her packaging is eye-catching and crisp.


Articles Recipes

Dawn To Dusk Drinking: Madeira, Hamilton and Betsy Schuyler

Dawn To Dusk Drinking: Madeira
Warren Bobrow (Leica M8)

Back in time- way before Alexander Hamilton was mortally wounded on the Weehawken Cliffs, defending his perceived honor- the young officer served under General George Washington.  He was posted to the winter headquarters of the Continental Army in Morristown, NJ.  It was in this quaint village that Hamilton met with the young Betsy Schuyler. He made his intentions clear- and married her. All would have been well and good if it wasn’t for the vast quantities of potent fermented spirits that were poured down the gullet from dawn to dusk rendering even the stoutest gentlemen into a blithering idiot by late afternoon.

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Warren M. Bobrow: Author/Barman/Cannabis Alchemist

Interviews Reviews

Jersey Spirits Distilling Company: Real Craft Spirits from NEW Jersey

I’ve always admired the craft spirits entrepreneur. The person who does something with his or her hands that doesn’t involve pushing a pencil across a desk for their entire career. Distilling is one of those fine arts. It’s possible to be a great distiller but to lose focus on the art of business. A micro-distiller must be more than just a distiller- they must be focused on sales, marketing, science, art, customer service and of course, just putting the time in doing what they love.

Jersey Spirits Distilling Company, located in typically “Jersey-style” commercial office park set just a few miles from thundering routes 46 and 80.  They are hand distilling tasty, award winning spirits one drop at a time.  Founded in 2005 by a tight group of passionate Jersey residents, this Jersey-centric distillery may not be on everybody’s radar just yet.  But don’t let that stop you from discovering something that is quite delicious and surprisingly well made. From the gleaming tasting room with a little history of distilling in New Jersey on the walls to the tenaciously designed distillery, this is an extremely impressive operation.  They are a distillery mind you, their license says that no food is prepared here aside from some Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers-a cheese driven compliment to their communicative spirits.