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Dawn To Dusk Drinking: Madeira, Hamilton and Betsy Schuyler

Dawn To Dusk Drinking: Madeira
Warren Bobrow (Leica M8)

Back in time- way before Alexander Hamilton was mortally wounded on the Weehawken Cliffs, defending his perceived honor- the young officer served under General George Washington.  He was posted to the winter headquarters of the Continental Army in Morristown, NJ.  It was in this quaint village that Hamilton met with the young Betsy Schuyler. He made his intentions clear- and married her. All would have been well and good if it wasn’t for the vast quantities of potent fermented spirits that were poured down the gullet from dawn to dusk rendering even the stoutest gentlemen into a blithering idiot by late afternoon.

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Warren M. Bobrow: Author/Barman/Cannabis Alchemist