Session Goods seeks to expand your intellect, one gentle pull off their elegant glass bong at a time. But what does this mean to the consumer? Not since college, back in the early 1980’s, have I even thought about owning a bong, with most of them just too fragile and complicated for my tastes. In recent years I’ve really have shied away from this oft powerful method of imbibing cannabis. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the way they look, but more as a metaphor for their craft, instead of just getting buzzed. I just haven’t enjoyed the experience that they offer from all those twists and turns of the expensive, hand-blown glass. Every time I walk into a high-end “Head Shop” I’m always intrigued by the multitudes of intricate glass bongs, but I really have no use for one. Why? They all seem so cumbersome to use, and most are quite difficult to keep clean. I had a bong in prep school as I remember, and I think I even had a couple of them in college in the 80’s. They were nothing more than straight tube bongs, made of plastic (as I remember), with metal down pipes and harsh metal bowls. They were not well made, nor nice to look at. They leaked and made a mess in my Jeep. They would get incredibly hot, and even dirtier than the worst childhood dream realized of drinking the (unsavory) bong-water by mistake. Let’s just say that they were not the most elegant things, not something that I’m proud of in my fading memories of those years. Then, this Xmas season, I was suddenly overwhelmed by all sorts of electronic implements to smoke cannabis from. Most of these really expensive devices took concentrates, product that I cannot find in my state. They were wildly powerful, and one or two made me feel really physically ill afterwards. Not a good start when someone is supposed to review a machine that costs several hundreds of dollars, and that’s before the raw ingredients are added to the bill. So I’m careful about what hardware I agree to review, and even more careful when it comes to complex glass that requires intricate cleaning. Some glass bongs are just meant to be cleaned by professionals. I don’t have time to over intellectualize the process of cleaning my cannabis glassware, and you shouldn’t either!
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