5 Questions Articles Interviews Skunk Magazine


The other day, I was perusing through some emails that I hadn’t dug into yet- and I saw one from a guy named Teddy Bang. It was quite forward, actually… He was asking me to interview him.

I replied that it had been a while since someone asked me to interview them… Usually, it’s the other way around, with me doing all the pitching. And that’s ok because it’s nearly impossible for me to find all the best… Because I’m seeking something intangible.

“Sir Warren,

My name is Teddy Bang, and I’m a cannabis owner and operator in SoCal. It’d be great to chat and maybe do a 5 question article or fun piece. There are lots happening, developing, and market patterns and insights I could share that could interest you and your audience- like how we can make something work or happen.

Teddy Bang | CEO and Operator
Cali Flwr Farms MHPC | Distribution + Manufacturing
Cali Flwr Farms | Dope Town | Viva Sativa | Sofa King”

This was the letter; how could I resist?

But getting back to Teddy’s story. It’s pretty clear that he’s doing what he loves: working with the plant. In ways that seem to fly in circles, I’ve not yet surveyed in my path. And no, I hadn’t heard of him, not yet anyway. But I think that’s going to change… Thank you, Teddy, for reaching out to me and putting your creativity and craft on my radar. I can’t wait to do a ‘tasting’. Cheers! WB

cannabis world news interviews caricature of Teddy Bang, CEO: Cali Flwr Farms

Warren Bobrow: Please tell me about yourself. Where are you from? Where are you located now? What have you been working on? How did you get to where you are today?

Teddy Bang: Highly educated and have a medical degree- but I sell weed and build brands in Southern California. Born and raised LA, California boy- all the licenses and warehouses are in the Valley or North LA, I live down in South OC- on a beach in San Clemente. I am building a team and culture that can stay calm and positive in a super volatile unknown marketplace- high level. Low level, we’re always trying to stay net profitable and especially create new customers- that’s a big problem. There are too many licenses and not enough consumers. Always looking to learn and get better every day- I’ve found surrounding yourself with good quality people and no bitching or complaining, just focusing on what you want. You are defined by the problems you can solve.

WB: Why cannabis? What did you initially want to be “when you grew up”?…. Tell me about your company (s). What do you do that sets you apart from your competition? What makes you better?

TB: This is personal. For years, I would tell my teenage daughter you have to be passionate, and you have to be purposeful and live the truth of your soul- and one day, she flipped the script and asked if I thought selling medical devices was my passion and purpose, and the answer was no. The things I loved were surfing and cannabis. I reached out to Kelly Slaters’, a pro surfer, wave pool company and got knee deep and realized shit, this isn’t passion, you aren’t surfing that wave every day. It’s emails, meetings, and ex-corporate guys. So, the second one, cannabis- it was going legal in California, and I decided this was it, I’m going for it. Growing up, I wanted to be a playboy photographer, for obvious reasons, or bongo rockstar, because growing up in LA in the 70s, being a rockstar was that bitchin lifestyle- playing by your own rules.

cannabis world news interviews black man with hands handcuffed behind back, with cops arresting him, and business logo

Our companies are dope; we have a lot of fun, a lot of respect, and a great crew. We’re building brands, integrating with the farm, making the whole operation net profitable and reproducible. We don’t pay too much attention to our competition; we just go out to the marketplace and talk to our customers and dispensaries- we hear what problems they have and build solutions around that. We have boots on the ground every day and strong pulses on the market. My partner, Antione, and I will spend 30+ hours a week on the road delivering and talking to dispensaries and customers, what other company has their head operators in the stores, on the ground like that every day. It’s just old-school hustle paired with some serious soul. This is hard to beat.

WB: What are your six and twelve-month goals? How do you anticipate getting there? Do you have a mentor? Did someone teach you?

TB: We are so in the moment, we have some big visions but its fluid. Ultimately, we want to be net profitable, have fun, make sure everyone is passionate and the culture is tight, and bring as much reproducibility as we can- just solve problems over and over. Our team is the vehicle to get there; it’s all about the culture, communication, love, and kindness. No one gets irritated when someone makes a mistake. The team just jumps in and helps- no blame. Tik Tok is my 2024 mentor, the algorithm knows what I wanna hear and when I want to hear it. But overall, I have always been a slow learner and have to figure it out myself- still, till this day, I like to figure out the problem or system before handing it off to someone, just because I don’t ever want to ask someone to do something that I am not willing to dig into or do.

cannabis world news interviews Cali FLWR Farms logo on indoor cannabis cultivation operations

WB: What is your favorite kind of food? Restaurant? Where? Do you cook? What do you eat for lunch?

TB: I eat basic whole food, nothing in boxes with weird chemicals that I don’t know what they are. I cook lots of steak, chicken, lettuce, carrots, vegetables- real basic foods and just add salt and pepper. Sugarfish is the go to celebratory spot, sometimes Miley Cyrus meets me there… Okay, only one time we were there at the same time…

WB: What is your passion?

TB: My passion is passion. I am a very soulful person; I love what I do. I love to listen to people talk about things they love and see the world through their eyes, and build a connection with people built on genuine acceptance. I also have two beautiful dogs, and a passion project is to make sure they just have the most dope, peaceful life possible. Which usually includes daily beach trail walks, ocean swim sesh’s and many, many fetch hours in the park.

For more cannabis industry insights and breakdowns, follow cali_dopecrew on Instagram

Photos credit: The black and white cityscape, sunset swing photo, LA mural, and arrested photo; Norman Schwartz 

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5 Questions Articles Skunk Magazine


Cannagars. Just the very thought of the word stimulates my taste buds: hand-built using the finest flowers, adjuncts, and elegant covering wraps, like rose petals, rice paper, gold leaf, or even hemp.

I think of all the truly gourmet cannagars I’ve tasted over the years and wonder, can I do that? Well, the short answer is yes. I can. And I have. Maybe not as finely detailed and potent- as a Made in Xiaolin Cannagar, or a Leira Cannagar handmade and dipped in pricy gold leaf, or even those fantastic Bull Run Cannagars that I had a couple of years ago. With the right equipment and patience, well, I can do it, too. However, I’ll need a really well-made form. Something built for the job. A professional cigar mold made from specially sourced materials. Something that won’t warp nor break easily. What I need to craft a cannagar are carefully constructed forms honed with aircraft-quality-grade aluminum from the nearly ten-year-old company named Cannagar Solutions. These are the creations of Kelly Anderson, who came to cannabis later in life, as you’ll discover shortly. But it’s never too late, and the invention that I have sitting in front of me has earned a well-deserved trademark. Kelly is doing something others have attempted, but none of the others have yet to be as artful nor as crisply.

Please allow me the pleasure for you to meet Kelly Anderson—inventor of the Cannagar Solutions Cannagar mold/press.

cannabis world news interviews commentary Kelly Anderson, owner of Cannagar

Warren Bobrow: Please tell me about yourself. Why Cannabis? Where are you from? Did you enjoy the plant growing up? What was your first experience with a cannagar? Who smoked one with you? Where?

Kelly Anderson: My experience with cannabis is limited to the past ten years. Initially, my exposure to cannabis came from individuals around me who used it to alleviate various ailments. Witnessing the positive health effects it had on them sparked my interest. I suffer from severe sleep apnea, and I had at the time been relying on prescription medications to sleep. My health would deteriorate into other issues when I didn’t get good sleep. In addition, I was concerned about becoming dependent on these drugs and sought an alternative. I decided to give cannabis a try, and I was pleasantly surprised. The first time I used it, I had the best night of sleep I had ever experienced, without any negative side effects like those associated with sleep medications. This positive outcome led me to continue using cannabis, and I have successfully eliminated the need for prescription medications. During this period, I was also involved in creating wooden cigar molds and collaborated with a prominent influencer to modify them for Cannabis Cigars. As our product line gained popularity, we eventually transitioned to using more refined aluminum molds.

cannabis world news interviews commentary woman standing at table with Cannagar products

WB: Please tell me about your company. What do you do differently, i.e., better than your competition? How long have you been working towards your success?

KA: We are thrilled to have developed the molds and processes for creating Cannagars in a more sophisticated manner just over nine years ago. Our company is the exclusive holder of a patent for both our molds and the process of making Cannagars. It’s quite noteworthy to be one of the few companies with a patent for a product specifically designed for the Cannabis industry.

Shifting from our wooden molds to aluminum ones, we aimed to create a highly versatile product line that could be expanded and had interchangeable parts. Our primary focus was on providing high-quality products, offering commercial-grade performance, a wide range of options, and a dynamic product line that could be adapted by anyone.

We provide seven different gauges and three lengths in our offerings. Our entry-level mold consists of two slots. If you desire more slots or larger sizes, you can simply purchase an additional mold and a new tip, allowing you to create different sizes or molds with additional slots. For customers who require even more slots, we offer inserts to expand the mold. Many of our clients have molds that can accommodate making 60-70 Cannagars simultaneously, eliminating the need for them to purchase new molds and simply opting for inserts instead.

cannabis world news interviews commentary cannagar case, buds, and cannager in ashtray with lighter

Considering our aim to cater to commercial needs, we ensured that our molds were easily sanitized and capable of withstanding the demands of commercial usage. As a result, we chose aluminum to be our standard material. Our packing tool, featuring a steel shaft, can be adjusted to any gauge size by simply unscrewing and replacing the tip. The packing tool also boasts a large ball at the end, which ensures a comfortable grip.

Unfortunately, many imitators in the market make use of plastic or 3D-printed molds, which are considerably inferior. While they may be suitable if sanitation or durability are not concerns, we frequently encounter customers who switch to our products after experiencing failures with cheap molds. Finally, we take pride in our prompt responses to customer inquiries and our commitment to shipping out orders as soon as they are received.

WB: What obstacles stand in your way to succeed? Do you have six and twelve-month goals? What are they?

KA: Everyone involved in the Cannabis industry is aware of the significant difficulties in marketing and advertising. We are no exception, as it poses our biggest challenge. Social media platforms often restrict content related to paraphernalia, leading to account suspensions without warning. Traditional marketing methods are not effective for us. Therefore, this year, our main objective is to elevate our marketing efforts to a new level.

cannabis world news interviews commentary Cannagar weedstick

Our immediate and future objectives involve enhancing market visibility, reducing product expenses, and introducing innovative products and accessories.

WB: What is the learning curve of your product? Do you include instructions or links to YouTube videos for the paper instruction impaired? How easy is it to utilize? How long do you cure the Cannagars? Does humidity- or lack thereof help?

KA: Many underestimate the complexity of crafting a Cannagar. The necessary equipment is quite simple, consisting of a mold, skewer, packing tool, and quality herb. Creating a Cannagar is considered an art, and beginners often become easily frustrated. Initial attempts might not meet expectations, and the cigar may break when removed from the mold. What works for one person may not work for another due to various factors such as herb quality, moisture content, grinding techniques, packing intensity, duration in the mold, storage, and herb variety. Our recommendation is to have herbs at 62% moisture and tear buds into ¼ to ½ inch pieces, as the cigar holds together better than when using ground herb. Packing requires significant pressure and should be done forcefully. Some believe the cigar should stay in the mold for hours or even days, but we advise removing it immediately and proceeding to wrap. Once wrapped, store the Cannagar in a humidor with 62% moisture packs. When ready to smoke, be mindful of drawing gently to avoid inhaling excessive hot smoke. With experience, the process becomes faster, allowing you to create a Cannagar in just a few minutes. The ease of smoking and extended burn time make the effort worthwhile.

cannabis world news interviews commentary 3 sizes of metal Cannagar boxes with cleaning plungers

WB: What is your passion?

K A: We are deeply committed to assisting individuals, and our strongest inclination lies in helping others. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to our customers who are dealing with medical or PTSD conditions. We fully acknowledge the potential of our products in providing support and relief amid these unfortunate circumstances.

About Cannagar Solutions

Established in 2017, Cannagar Solutions has been at the forefront of revolutionizing the cannabis industry. Based in the picturesque heart of the Ozarks in Missouri, we are dedicated to delivering innovative and high-quality solutions for both commercial and consumer cannabis enthusiasts.

At Cannagar Solutions, we take immense pride in being pioneers in our field. We hold the distinction of being the sole business with a US Patent on the design and process of creating Cannagar molds. Our dedication to precision and excellence is reflected in our meticulously crafted aluminum molds engineered to meet the rigorous demands of commercial use.

But it doesn’t stop there. We’ve extended our inventive designs to the consumer level, ensuring that enthusiasts of all backgrounds can create their own perfect Cannagars with ease and precision. Our products are not just tools but a testament to our commitment to providing the best for our customers.

cannabis world news interviews commentary woman holding Cannagar above ashtray

Beyond our passion for innovation and quality, Cannagar Solutions holds deep-rooted values. We embrace the natural world and strive to utilize the earth’s offerings in their purest form. We firmly believe in the healing properties of cannabis, and our products are a testament to our commitment to making its benefits accessible to all.

At the core of our business lies our customers, who we consider an extension of our family. We actively seek and value their feedback, incorporating their suggestions into our evolving line of offerings. This collaborative spirit fuels our dedication to improving and innovating continually.

Cannagar Solutions is not just a business; it’s a mission to redefine the cannabis experience. Join us on this journey as we celebrate the art and science of Cannagars and strive to make them accessible to all who seek the relief and joy that cannabis can provide.

Work smarter, not harder. From their website… Brilliant!

Photos courtesy of Cannagar Solutions 

5 Questions Articles Interviews Skunk Magazine


yan Crandall is the chief revenue officer of MariMed Inc. and co-creator of Betty’s Eddies, one of the brands in MariMed’s portfolio. A top seller in all the markets where it’s available, Betty’s Eddies is a brand of all-natural, cannabis-infused fruit chews celebrating its 10th anniversary.

Warren Bobrow: Please tell me about yourself. Where are you from? Now? What drew you to infused foods? Why cannabis?

Ryan Crandall: I was born and raised in Massachusetts. I’m originally from southeastern Massachusetts and currently live in the Boston suburb of Foxborough with my wife, two children, and more animals than you have space to list. I’ve always been a cannabis user and a proponent of its medicinal benefits, but I’m a foodie at heart. I am constantly inspired and intrigued by new dishes, restaurants – you name it. I first started to merge cannabis and food together in my kitchen when I discovered how much better I was sleeping after incorporating an infused edible into my bedtime routine. I am fascinated by all things science, especially when it comes to biology, evolution, and plants. So, I was intrigued to learn all I could about cannabis. I figured if it could help me sleep better by understanding the plant’s origin and all of its elements, there were bound to be additional ways I could incorporate it as a natural remedy for other areas of my health and wellness. That’s what initially led to the creation of Betty’s Eddies with some friends.

Warren Bobrow: Please tell me about your company. What are you known for? What are you working on now?

Ryan Crandall: MariMed is a multi-state cannabis operator that is dedicated to improving people’s lives every day through our high-quality products, actions, and values. We develop, own, and manage seed-to-sale, state-licensed cannabis facilities, which are models of excellence in horticultural principles, cannabis cultivation, cannabis-infused products, and dispensary operations. We currently have full seed-to-store operations in Massachusetts, Maryland, Illinois, and Delaware, a dispensary in Ohio, and partnerships for brand distribution in Rhode Island and Puerto Rico. We are perhaps best known for our best-in-class brands, which include Betty’s Eddies, Bubby’s Baked, Vibations, and Nature’s Heritage. Each brand is reputable in their respective categories for their high quality. We take great pride in our approach to innovation and creating the best products consumers can buy. Our benchmark is that our edibles should be so delicious that non-infused versions would see well in better grocery stores. We’re constantly pushing ourselves to improve our products as well. For example, Betty’s Eddies has always been a strong seller, but we improved the line last year by being one of the first brands in the industry to add in supplements and other minor cannabinoids to further elevate their efficacy, onset, taste, and consistency. Consumer response was off the hook. We’re about to do the same with our Vibations brand, a great-selling cannabis drink mix that we’ve improved to deliver even better taste plus advanced hydration, a boost of energy, and a quicker onset.

cannabis world news consumer education edibles recipes photo of Ryan Crandall of MariMed

Warren Bobrow: What are your six- and twelve-month goals? Obstacles? How do you anticipate removing them?

Ryan Crandall: Our mantra for 2024 is to LEAD the industry in every way we can! We want to be one of the top contenders, hopefully, number one, in each of the categories our brands participate in. Of course, there are always obstacles, but one that is fairly constant is the state-by-state regulations we must follow in the industry and how unexpected and often they can change. Those changes result in timeline shifts for our operations teams, our financial planners, our marketing team…really everyone. You always have to have your finger on the pulse of potential changes, new entrants, federal and local regulations….the list goes on. But in order to stay on top and truly lead, you have to stay alert, anticipate change, and be nimble enough to pivot on a dime when necessary. We take great pride in our ability to adapt as necessary in this crazy industry and overcome any potential wrench that gets thrown our way.

Warren Bobrow: Do you work with food scientists or chefs? Who is your mentor or inspiration?

Ryan Crandall: Yes, we work with a talented, dedicated, and highly educated team of food scientists on the formulation of each of our respective brands, including Betty’s Eddies. When it comes to a mentor as it relates to a brand, Ben and Jerry’s is the one that resonates with me most. Even from their early days, from their branding and visual aesthetic to the artwork, packaging, and unique naming of products was something I found iconic. They truly had a flavor that could relate to any potential consumer, and that was something that really struck me. They created an ice cream brand that made consumers feel relatable. When it comes to a person who inspires me, it’s Steve Jobs, specifically for his unique approach to innovation and the technical genius empire he is responsible for.

Warren Bobrow: What is your passion?

Ryan Crandall: It’s simple; I like to help people. Fun fact about me: I originally wanted to be a doctor, and never in my dreams did I envision working in an industry that hears from patients who have turned to different Betty’s Eddies varieties to help with ailments. I’ve spoken with cancer patients, people going through grief, people who struggle with sleep and anxiety – the list goes on – and hearing how something I have put my soul into creating is making their days slightly better makes all of this worth it.

Photo Credits: Courtesy of MariMed, Inc.


Merry Christmas

To those who celebrate!

Articles Reviews Skunk Magazine


Arecent visit to the sparkling new cannabis dispensary reveals something different in New Jersey. What sets Garden State Botanicals apart from its peers is Sun Grown Cannabis, which is propagated right here in New Jersey.

The other day, I visited Garden State Botanicals and saw a well-designed dispensary with a twist. That twist would lead me to the fine flowers grown by Brute’s Roots in South Jersey. Finally, someone is growing cannabis with a deeper meaning. Sun grown flower just tastes differently. Sure, it has less THC than many of the other name brands on the market, and that is just the charm. You might not know, but many of us who utilize cannabis for medical reasons find that higher THC cannabis is not as viable as low THC cannabis in the treatment and alleviation of certain ills, such as my eyes. High THC gives me a headache and raises my eye pressure. Lower THC, like the strains grown by Brute’s Roots offers the healing I require- and the drive down to North Brunswick is not entirely too far from my house.

cannabis world news industry business author with two ladies
Sam, Warren, and Taleia

For the good stuff- I’ll travel far and wide to attain the kind.
Thank you to Garden State Botanicals for carrying Brute’s Roots. What a nice surprise!
Real Sun Grown Cannabis in New Jersey? Yes! More to follow in this regard, with a possible road trip in the coming weeks.

Garden State Botanicals is super easy to get to. I don’t know why my GPS didn’t take me to Rutgers, then down 18, but no matter… They are really easy to find from all over central New Jersey. They are right next door to a Dunkin and a Baskin Robbins, so you cannot miss it from the street. There is plenty of dedicated parking as well, so no worries there. And for medical folks like me, you can show up at 10:00 and have the whole store basically to yourself. That kind of service is rare in any state. And what kind budtenders!

cannabis world news industry business now open sign on front of dispensary
Garden State Botanicals

They do have a friendly and knowledgeable staff, as I found out myself. Their menu is super easy to read, and there is even a terpene-scenting bar for those who might want to deepen their intellectual cannabis experience. A well-chosen selection of cannabis accessories, hand-crafted pipes, glass bongs, and rolling papers- including their new hemp blunt wrappers- fills out the room with their comfortable seating area and real plants (unfortunately not cannabis ones), giving off healing energy to the gleaming, sun-filled room. For a strip mall pad, this is a very inviting space that is modern, yet not cold in any way; it’s warm and inviting. A plus again for the medical community and the non-stoner, read “older” clientele, you have dedicated hours, and the dispensary is also fully recreational- but most importantly is time for medical patients to shop without the crush of other recreational customers. It’s a nice touch. And appreciated by us older folk.

Did I say that the store is really easy to get to? If you are over 21 and are at nearby Rutgers- you’re in like Flint!

I wish them the very best and thank you for the generous swag from your brimming shelves and larder.

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5 Questions Reviews Skunk Magazine Tasting Notes


To say that I’m a fan of Lex Corwin’s success is a huge understatement. From the very moment that I met Lex out in Los Angeles, I knew that this was a man who is following his own dreams. And what vivid dreams they are. From Connecticut to La La, the land of dreams! And what a trajectory he has achieved. While others with formidable provenance have crashed and burned, Lex continues to open new markets and persevere in his chosen art. The art of gorgeous cannabis that smokes just like his personality.
Deeply ebullient!

When Lex got into weed it was still illegal in the East coast. I know, because I’m a tad older and I’ve struggled with this illegality since the early 1970’s. Not only was cannabis illegal, but it was and still is, deeply stigmatized by the old school who run things in the suburbs. Lex has transcended this stigma by developing his own path in life, away from this stifling environment of suburban suburbia. In the vividly glowing sunshine of California and now New Mexico, Lex is achieving success that he probably envisioned in “High” School and now it’s the thing that drives his life. Gourmet Cannabis that tells a deeper story. A story of personal success, individual entrepreneurship, and intricate passion. Cheers! WB.

Warren Bobrow: It’s been a while since we’ve come across each other professionally. Hope all has been well. From the looks of it, your company is growing exponentially. That’s good! Always proud of your success, being an East Coast person. What have you been working on? I’ve always been a fan of your flower; how do you maintain your demand for excellence?

Lex Corwin: Always a pleasure Warren. We were due for a catch-up!
We have been busy! We are working on a ton of exciting projects – this week we launched in New Mexico (our fifth market) and solidified our partner for our launch in NY.
Sabrina, my coo, and I are also working on bringing an edible to market in CA. Exciting but challenging times. Besides that, we are working on a few other states – Missouri, Montana, and Mississippi. While of course continuing to expand and improve our farm and products in the ever-changing CA marketplace.

WB: Please tell me about your new project in New Mexico. I love the cannabis there, btw. I’m a huge Albuquerque cannabis fan. I believe there is real benefit in growing cannabis in natural soil, at altitudes over six thousand feet. And the cannabis tastes so good in this zero-humidity environment! What are you looking for in your pheno hunts to make your New Mexico flowers the best you know? Any pro tips for my readers?

LC: We are so pleased to finally launch in New Mexico. It’s been a wild ride! We partnered with our Oklahoma partners, Stashhouse Distro, to bring the brand to NM in our first revenue-sharing deal. We are excited about this deal structure because it gives us a lot more control over the products we bring to market and our supply chain in general. We know exactly what is coming to market and when, rather than our prior structure of a purely licensing deal where we had little visibility into the products going to market.
I agree the flower is fantastic in NM and there are some really talented growers based there. In terms of our pheno hunt – we stuck with what we know – strains that are bright, fruity, sour, and delicious. We have a formula we like to follow in CA and all our states and didn’t want to deviate from the genetics we knew people loved and expected from us.

WB: What are your six-and twelve-month goals for Stone Road in New Mexico?

LC: We really hit the ground running in NM – considering this is our fifth market we knew exactly how to approach this launch. In other states, it took us 2-3 months to get product to the market whereas in NM we had fresh products hitting the shelf in less than a month after our last packaging components arrived. Record time for us!
So, in six months we’d love to be in 50 stores considering our supply chain is fairly mature and developed. I think we can handle it. And then in 12 months we’d love to be in over 100 stores. A large number indeed – but with our fantastic partners I believe this is attainable.

WB: Do you have a favorite city in New Mexico? Maybe a favorite restaurant? Where? Food type?

LC: I love Santa Fe. It’s so special. It’s so spiritual and just drop-dead stunning. The food is also amazing and the locals warm and friendly. Fun fact: it’s also the oldest capital city in the US.
My aunt lived there for 9 years so I was lucky enough to visit a few times. We had a great time visiting all the local galleries and walking the trails by the river.
We had a number of sensational meals, but I vividly remember Arroyo Vino. They have a large garden on site, so the produce is top-notch. Plus, the hospitality was so warm and welcoming – I look forward to going back!

WB: I know this is a broad reaching question, but what is your passion?

LC: My passion is finding joy in life. I love my job, surfing, and just hanging out with friends and family. In this tumultuous industry – finding and holding joy is extremely important. While I work pretty much 24/7, I always find time to take trips and explore the world. I figure as long as my job is crazy stressful, I might as well enjoy the journey!!

Tasting Notes for a pre-roll joint from Stone Road in California

Birthday Cake and THCA Diamonds and Hash

Nose: Tangles of tangy/sour oven roasted fruit lead into the aroma of freshly sliced, California fruit salad, laden with citrus zest and sea salt slicked shells. Crushed minerals in the nose bring the anticipated results, laughter ensues and the deeper experience of hash and the rush from the THCA Diamonds make this not your usual pre-rolled joint. It is a thing of rare beauty.

Mouthfeel: Brown Butter, sizzling hazelnuts, and crunchy French Toast soldiers dripping in steaming hot dark maple syrup. Truly patient curing at work here, no coughing at all!

Stone: This is not your beginner’s cannabis, so plan accordingly. You can smoke the entire joint or share it with friends- it’s up to you. The indulgence of smoking a one gram joint alone, by yourself…., well that is best left to the studied professionals. Cannabis as elegant and carefully nurtured as this brings pleasure and craft to the forefront and teaches us a little bit about the humility of Lex Corwin’s success in every meted puff.

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Feature photo credit: Morgan Leigh English

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Reviews Skunk Magazine Tasting Notes


It’s a Sativa by nature, but sometimes it feels more Indica-leaning- but certainly not like hybrids… It reminds me of the fine cannabis that I used to get in southern Maine back in the mid-1980s. This was when I first discovered really fine East Coast weed. I was reared on mostly West Coast flowers early on. It was that or the “whatever we could get,” which was nothing to write home about in the 1970s and 1980s. Unfortunately for me, whatever we could get still remains vivid in my imagination; it was that brick stuff, brown and pressed. But the strains that taught me something were grown by really passionate people who loved the plant.

Smoking these early craft strains was like nothing I had ever experienced before, especially since the overall quality level of the swag I’d get in NJ was pretty low in the 1970s! This was until someone introduced me to New York Sour Diesel at a nightclub in NYC circa the mid-1980s. Nothing else smelled like that. Like sour cream, lemon curd, European gasoline, and roasted orange zest. To this very day, every time I smell Sour Diesel or the myriad of incarnates, I’m blasted back to that first hit of Sour Diesel and my experience of that day, so many years ago.

The Veritas Cannabis Sour Diesel reminds me of the years of wandering on the streets in Boston if you knew the right people of course… It’s what we smoked during weekends up in the New Hampshire mountains or up on MDI in Maine. It was this famous, now infamous Sour Diesel—probably grown in Western Massachusetts—or otherwise it was Blueberry, from Southern Maine. And that was it. And I’m pretty happy of those years of smoking flowers that remind me now of those years because they were formative in my experience of smoking truly gourmet/craft cannabis. Something that would follow me forward. This is quite important to me.

Every time that I smoke Sour Diesel I’m brought back to a day before yesterday, and it forces me to re-examine the flavors that are known as the classics. What Veritas has achieved is remarkable in this regard. I would like to make mention of a couple things before I dive into the tasting notes. Cannabis that is grown and cured in high altitude and dry places like Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada…smoking this cannabis I’ve discovered a big something shocking. (At least to me…) I react far differently with cannabis grown and cured at sea level. It’s just a different experience. I’ve done some experimentation on this axiom, purchased cannabis that has been grown at 6000 ft plus and opened the container at nearly sea level with lots of New Jersey humidity filling the room, well it’s an entirely different experience. In a plus way, certainly not a minus way.

Something biophysical takes place by growing and curing in a carefully engineered humidity adjusted space, but what I experienced at sea level was something completely different. I’m very impressed by the flavor and terpenes I sensed at 650 ft. instead of 6500 ft. The cannabis almost reacted like cryo-cured flower, dried, perfectly cured, and aged in a fraction of the time, leaving an end result that is encapsulated in time and space. And when I smoked it at 650 ft. with lots of humidity? What I experience is bliss…

Veritas Fine Cannabis: Sour Diesel

Nose: It’s that baby skunk that’s lurking under your bedroom window. Someone stuck a couple gallons of buttermilk under there too, the sour-lactate rich liquid is stuck up inside my nose. Coming into view, snapping a canna-flower in my fingers, I smell crushed, juniper wood smoked chiles, a tangle of caramelized lemongrass shards and slivers of just snipped back yard chives, sauteed in brown butter. This is friendly cannabis that layers the inside of my head with softly folded whipped cream and unleashes the nasal driven memories that say springtime in Portland, Maine-1986. The overall nose is sometimes salty, sometimes sweet, sometimes sour, leading into the funky, but certainly- always memorable.

Mouthfeel: Veritas in Colorado has re-created the classic mouthfeel of Sour Diesel that some would say exemplify the early cannabis strains like New York Sour Diesel. Laden with European Petrol, Kerosene, and Baby Skunk, it’s unmistakable. Others say the classic Sour Diesel smells like citrus juices and cracked white pepper. I think it’s a combination of Pan-Asian spices, baby skunk and kerosine lamp oil. Citrus oils and the act of licking wet shells at the beach in the summer make your palate sing.

Veritas Sour Diesel unlocks my mind after inhalation. Remarkable in the depth of the experience. The mouthfeel is rich, savory, and full-bodied. After a couple small hits, I’m ready to experience the Veritas Sour Diesel in my Chill Bong- instead of my usual one hitter. The reason why I want to share the Chill Bong with you is the cooling experience that you feel when using this masterful piece of cannabis accoutrement.

Stone: This is not cannabis for the beginner. Of course, you have to start on the really strong stuff in your own way, but the pro-tip is take your time. There is no rush in cannabis, all those magical cultivars, so many that I forget which one is my favorite. I will say that Sour Diesel of Veritas Fine Cannabis is elegant and charming. It also gets me to another place with alacrity. There is no lack of amusement when imbibing Sour Diesel from Veritas Fine Cannabis. This is a Sativa that acts to help you get the job done. Scrub the tub, wash all the kitchen floors, take out the trash that is lurking in the hallway. There aren’t enough hours in the day because you’ll be full of steam to get all the things behind you and still other tasks to be hatched.

If Veritas Sour Diesel doesn’t take you to the next Bardo, I don’t know what will. Ok, you may not discover DF Tram on your own personal musical journey, but it did stimulate your inquisitive nature. This nug of perfectly cured cannabis is the Sour Diesel of my dreams. It takes me places that money can’t buy. Experience gleaned from emotion and being able to taste great cannabis like Veritas teaches me lessons not yet taught.


Photo Credit: Warren Bobrow

5 Questions Articles Skunk Magazine


What I received from Bountiful Farms was more than generous. The handsome wooden box, delineated with openings containing four pheno strains, and the question, which one would I choose if I were in charge of this quandary? Obviously, I’m not the one who would make that decision. But wouldn’t it be nice if my written notes on the flavor profiles could be taken into consideration and appreciated? 

Well, that seems like the answer to the question. 

I chose the Rainbow Belts 3.0 Pheno #22. It’s teeming with vaporous notes, crumpled salt-slicked seashells, crisp brioche toast soldiers bathed in molten brown butter, oozing with thimbles of green Chartreuse VEP and tangles of stone ground mustard at the finish. This is the essence of what I consider to be a most magnificent flower, perfectly cured with opulent droplets of pulled sugar and wisps of sticky Southern summer heat. The inexplicable scent of pluff mud, but only for a second, leads to deeper notes of roasted brown tea across my palate. The high/stone is quite cerebral, and then it becomes very emotional. 

Each draw into my lungs brings an extremely personal experience. Every hit comes easily, and that one offers a candy-colored kaleidoscope smearing over your view and scope like Vaseline applied over a motion picture camera’s lens. 

Warning: This is not cannabis for the neophyte or first-timer. It’s just more potent than most on the open market. But to a well-seasoned imbiber, Pheno #22 is truly pleasure-driven stuff. This is the brand of (kind) flower that lends itself well to cannabis-infused beverages or simply my Stonedware purse pipe for a quick hit. There are amazing terpenes that expose themselves to the scent-sensitive… So please pay attention before firing it up! 

If a simple cannabis cocktail were in the works, I’d use my Levo2 to decarb and then infuse some of this pheno into raw honey to speed me on my way to the other rainbow over yonder. Maybe add to your steamy pot of sophisticated essences some perfumed Jasmine Tea? Check your neighbor’s raw honey infused with an infusion of Rainbow Belts? That pheno? Oh, yes. A dosage of freshly juiced European cucumbers. Mix together and serve over a large cube of ice? 

Maybe some Chinola floated over the top? 


Are you reading my mind? Yes, yes, yes…. 

And what about that alley cat sitting on my lap? Only she knows for certain.  

cannabis world news interviews Zach Taylor holding award cup

Warren Bobrow: Please tell me about yourself. Where are you from? What brought you to the cannabis industry? It certainly is an enlightening industry. 

Zach Taylor: I’ve been around plants my entire life. When I was growing up, my father had an interior plant-scaping business, which is what initially sparked my passion for agriculture. My father would design various displays both from an aesthetic perspective as well as agricultural (i.e., which plants will thrive under certain conditions). This combination of art and science is parallel to what I do today as a grower. My father passed when I was 11, and if he were still alive today, I have no doubt we would have gone into the cannabis business together. He was the most knowledgeable plant whisper I know. Additionally, when I learned about cannabis and the life-changing benefits it can provide, I developed a passion for the human-cannabis relationship that has only gotten stronger each day.

I’ve been part of the medical cannabis industry since 2007, when I began growing as a caregiver under the initial medical cannabis statute in Colorado. I was one of the first 18-year-olds to receive a medical license in the state at the time and was one of the first 5,000 licensed employees in the country. Before Bountiful Farms, from 2011 to 2017, I managed cultivation at a large cannabis cultivator in Colorado, which provided me with a great foundation and a good understanding of growing at scale.

Today, I am the Chief Cultivation Center at Bountiful Farms in Massachusetts. We have a medical dispensary in Natick, MA, a 40,000-square-foot cultivation center in Lakeville, MA, and more than 100 retail partners who carry our products. I joined the Bountiful Farms team upon its inception in 2018 and am proud to have had the opportunity to grow it from the ground up and have been able to control the design of the space and how we operate. I equate it to a chef who’s working in a kitchen that they’ve designed – I’m fortunate to have that opportunity.

cannabis world news interviews three award cup trophies surrounded by foliage

WB: Please tell me about your company. What sets you apart from your competition? What kind of strains are you doing right now? Please tell me about the pheno-hunting exercise. 

ZT: Bountiful Farms is a commercial grower who focuses on craft cannabis, and we’re proud to be one of the most awarded growers in the state. We had the honor of winning “The Best Cannabis in Massachusetts” two years in a row in a People’s Choice blind taste test, which is pretty cool.

At Bountiful Farms, we’re focused on being “devoted to better,” and what I think sets us apart is our artisanal, “hand-made” approach. From hand trimming our flower to hand packaging, everything we do is completely hands-on. With a focus on quality and consistency, we look at the “whole plant” and all aspects of the plant, including how it looks, how it smells, the dry and the cure, how it smokes, and finally, the high itself. There is so much more to cannabis than just THC levels and price points – it’s important to look at the mind, body, and soul of the entire plant, and for us, it’s the unique combination of art and science. 

One of the most important parts of our cultivation process is our pheno hunt, which is the process we use to find the best strains with the most desirable characteristics that we’re looking for. 

At Bountiful Farms, in 2020, we conducted one of Massachusetts’ largest pheno hunts, beginning with 4000 seeds with superior genetic lineage from 30 breeders to help select the best strains to release in the market. In 2022, we went at it again, this time asking for some assistance from our customers. It’s selective agriculture, and for us, it is essentially planting a bunch of seeds, all of which showcase specific characteristics and qualities, and then deciding which phenotypic variation is the best representation of that strain. When we’re hunting, we’re looking at the whole picture – cannabinoid content, terpene profile, potency, color, the overall health of the plant, the yield, etc. At the end of the day, this means we’re proud of the genetics that we’re putting out into the market.

With our new Bounti Hunters at-home pheno hunt kits, we’re inviting our community and consumers to join us in this hunt and asking them to weigh in on our next strain, more specifically, the pheno that they feel best represents the genetic potential. In the kit, we are providing kits with two 1/8s of the same strain but with different phenos and asking people to provide feedback on each via a survey. We’re dedicated to innovation and education, and the best weapon against stigma or misconception is information and knowledge. That is really what our Bounti Hunters kit is all about.

We’ve always tried to elevate cannabis to the same level of scientific sophistication as other agricultural plants, and we recently opened a tissue culture lab at our cultivation center with the goal of genetic preservation and viroid-free tissue. Tissue culture is where our industry should be headed, and as growers of an agricultural plant, we’ve seen firsthand the devastation viruses and phenotypic plasticity can have on any crop, and our goal is to alleviate these variables in order to bring the best quality product to consumers. Without viroid-free plants, the cannabis sativa species is in jeopardy, and we could lose a huge percentage of the genetic lineage that helps make up the strains we all love, so this is hugely important to us and our industry.

cannabis world news interviews Bountiful Farms buds on bud jars

WB: When was the first time that you discovered the plant? How old were you? Do you remember who you were with? 

ZT: I began growing as a caregiver at an early age because I saw the life-changing benefits of the plant not only for myself but for my patients. My first patient was my best friend’s mom, who suffered from lupus, and to smoke with “Lady” was one of my favorite pastimes. 

WB: What are your six and twelve-month goals? Do you have a mentor? Who? 

ZT: We are always looking to innovate, experiment, and educate, so we’ll continue to do that in the coming months. And we’re constantly working on popping others’ gear as well as some of our own whilst trying to grow and produce the best possible strains for our consumers.

My mentor is my 90-year-old grandfather, who has taught me, amongst many things, two key components/ philosophies to live by: treat others how you want to be treated and never compromise or be afraid of failure – “chase your dreams.” We are all students/stewards of the plant, so I am learning something new every day.

WB: What is your passion?  

ZT: Outside of my family and my new baby, it may sound cliché, but I am living my passion every day with the work I get to do. I work with such an amazing community of people who all have a mutual love and respect for the plant, and I couldn’t ask for a better job. In fact, almost 18 years in, I do not see this as a job but as a way of life. 

Separate from cultivation, some people also find it interesting that I have a passion and appreciation for fashion. When I’m not wearing scrubs at the cultivation center, you can find me in a funky hat or pair of boots, and I love creating my own custom jackets. There’s something really cool about being able to express yourself through fashion. 

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Photo Credit: Bountiful Farms

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Klaus at the Snake Pit

Klaus partying on Halloween at the infamous Snake Pit in L.A.

Interviews Podcasts

Warren Bobrow: Bestselling Author & Cocktail Whisperer Reveals the Secret Ingredient for Crafting Cannabis Beverages