Ariel examining my 1800’s gnome: Klaus the Soused GnomeWARREN BOBROW: IPHONE X
The email read like this: Hello Warren, Great news! A Viride GeoPipe is heading your way. More info on the GeoPipes by Stonedware: http://stonedwarecompany.com
Why Viride chose to collaborate with Stonedware: “I choose to partner with Ariel after learning more about the craftsmanship that goes into each Stonedware piece. We spent a lot of time collaborating on the design elements to make the pieces promotional but organic. I wanted to design a branded product that was still beautiful to display as a home accessory. The finished pieces are ones that everyone is enthusiastic about and the functionality rivals any other pipe on the market.” — Sarah Remesch, founder of 270M & Managing Editor of Viride
Also, here is a Viride link speaking about the collaboration. https://www.viridelife.com/provisions/2017/11/24/stonedware-and-viride-collaborate-on-custom-pipes?rq=stonedware

One of my GeoPipes and a Geode from Brazil WARREN BOBROW: IPHONE X