Confident Cannabis CEO & Co-Founder Steve Albarran speaking at craft cannabis competition Cultivation Classic in Portland, Oregon.PHOTO CREDIT: CONFIDENT CANNABIS
What attracted me to cannabis, initially, wasn’t the feeling of being stoned— far from. It was a curiosity about the plant because I’m attracted to cannabis for the effect it has on my brain. You see, it makes me smarter. After all, no dummy writes and publishes books or makes a living being a writer. It’s challenging enough to put pen to paper, and actually say something that resonates with the reader. Cannabis and the intellects that use this much maligned plant, sit in the catbird-seat of entrepreneurship. None are more intriguing than the individuals that can actually change the highly stigmatized world of canna-intellectualism. I find this part of life fascinating, and I want to share this very personal energy with my readers.