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Casa Humboldt: Love And Nature In Sustainable Cannabis

Casa Humboldt


Bring me to this place of quietude and cosmic energy. Where the earth is in symmetry with the planets and cannabis of the finest quality enlightens and charms the inquisitive.

The Energy


To experience terroir, quite simply known in wine terms as the taste of a specific place as it applies to Humboldt County, California makes perfect sense. In my travels up and down the West Coast of California and stretching from Oregon to Nevada and Washington State to the far reaches of Maine, Massachusetts and down to Rhode Island, each appellation has it’s own personality. Cannabis, like wine possesses very specific notes, also known as terpenes. I’ve discovered that the terpenes of Southern California take on fruit salad notes, bursting with the brightly textured bowl goodness that seems to make everything that I’ve smoked from this region to taste like each puff is filled with optimism. There is a smile in every puff. Moving on up the coast from Southern California to the verdant hills north of San Francisco, terroir is much more evident. Outdoor growth under the sun is the key to the smiles that ooze their way from the earth. Nary a drop of added water enters the growth process. This is a way that resembles Biodynamics, the study of the earth and the universe, interpreted by Rudolph Steiner over one hundred years ago. The flavors of the earth speak with great clarity when Casa Humboldt is nurturing the cultivars  from soil untouched by heavy metals and manipulation. Great care is taken to ensure the finest possible results with minimal intervention, just like in wine.

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