I just spent the last one and one half days in Santa Rosa, California. The California mood seemed pretty chill. But this trip wasn’t a time for shopping at dispensaries, seeking the finest herbs. I was heading to wine country to experience history being made at the Wine and Weed Symposium. The wine industry has been standing strong against most other agricultural endeavors that may attempted to invade their marketplace, to date. Now with massive pressures beyond their control, in the form of legal cannabis, the wine industry is finally coming to terms with the fact that cannabis, at least the legal kind is there to stay. And with wine still being popular, but not quite as popular, the times are changing with the years. Sonoma Wine, please meet the finest cannabis in the land.

Read More Here At Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/warrenbobrow/2019/08/11/a-golden-state-takes-me-there-gently/#7201913bc610