I first discovered Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap as a film student at Emerson College in 1981. I was probably under the influence of some kind of controlled dangerous substance at the time, something from the recombinant DNA students at MIT, if I can remember back that long. There was a fresh bottle of Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap in my shower in my apartment up on Beacon Hill. I had just purchased it at Erewhon on Newbury Street (Erewhon spelled backwards is nowhere?) As I turned on the plentiful hot water the distinctive peppermint aroma filled my brain. The fragrance and pure-gentle cleaning power swirled on me, over me and through my very chi. The familiar blue bottle with learned teachings printed all over the label helped me to know nothing as the words flew off the bottle and over my head. These teaching words were written by David Bronner’s grandfather, the soap man himself, Dr. Bronner. As my ego was shattered and burst through the steam with each tingling drop of the peppermint soap, I would in later years, go on to utilize Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint soap in my own mantra for deep enlightenment.
And David Bronner’s sun-grown cannabis? It is equally as ego busting as that day I metaphorically rode a bicycle with the benefit of his grandfather’s soap. Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap to be exact.