I’m glad to have spent some dining-time with Brian Mitchell and his Chief of Communications, Daniel Yi recently to learn that Brian is one of those people who you enjoy being with. Brian just has a way about him that creates happiness and ambitious thoughts. I wanted to spend hours listening to all the cool things he’s already done and the plans he has for global domination of the cannabis space. Ok, so maybe he doesn’t want to conquer the entire globe just yet, but let me be the first person to say, Brian is going to do it out of sheer passion. He’s the kind of man who has stories to tell. Some of these stories have manifested themselves in his high quality product line-up. Other stories are told by his deep humility. All these stories make up the man who I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about. It’s my pleasure to share with you my lunch companion and one of the most interesting people in the cannabis world, Brian Mitchell, CEO of the Shryne Group. (I’ll bet you’ve never heard of them, as I hadn’t. Now I feel more worldly, intellectual. Smart.) Enjoy!