It’s Greek Moonshine… and to Greek people it’s best known as Tsipouro. OK, now that you got that, sometimes it’s better known as Raki (but not the Raki that you may think you know, the one from Turkey or Armenia…) Rakii *spelled with two i’s for TTB/legal reasons-not to confuse the consumer with the best known Raki on the market, this style of Raki is usually made only in Greece and named Tsipouro. Lazy Eye Rakii is being craft distilled in a most unlikely place, Southern New Jersey. Richland, NJ. This craft distillery is not just around the corner from anywhere in particular, like NYC for instance, it makes for a good day trip.
Tsipouro or Raki(i): They’re Both Greek Moonshine Craft Distilled in New Jersey!
- Post author By Warren_Bobrow
- Post date October 4, 2017
- Tags Greek Moonshine, Lazy Eye Rakii, NJ, Rakii, Richland, Tsipouro
By Warren_Bobrow
Warren is the cofounder and CEO of, the finest terpene forward, craft cannabis cocktail in the world. He's written Apothecary Cocktails-Restorative Drinks from Yesterday and Today, Bitters and Shrub Syrup Cocktails: Restorative Vintage Cocktails, Mocktails, and Elixirs , Whiskey Cocktails : Rediscovered Classics and Contemporary Craft Drinks Using the World's Most Popular Spirit, Cannabis Cocktails, Mocktails, and Tonics: The Art of Spirited Drinks and Buzz-Worthy Libations, and the Craft Cocktail Compendium (2017)
Warren Bobrow has been a pot scrubber, dishwasher, the owner of the first company to make fresh pasta in South Carolina , a television engineer in New York City, and he even worked at the famed club named Danceteria. He became a trained chef from the dish sink up; this unfortunately led to a mostly unsuccessful twenty year career in private banking.
Currently a cannabis, wine and travel aficionado, Warren is a former international rum judge and craft spirits national brand ambassador.
He works full time in the cannabis business as an alchemist/journalist/CEO. Instagram: warrenbobrow