Jessica Cadmus=JC
Warren Bobrow= WB
I discovered Jessica on the Inter-web, it may have been @Twitter, but I have a feeling it may have been @instagram, but that really doesn’t matter. Where it should have been was LinkedIn, because after lightly editing Jessica’s responses to my questions, I realized that her passion was, and will always be a creative one. And that impressed me greatly, because my path mirrored hers, finance, creativity. The struggle to succeed at something that is so untested, so stigmatized. So wrong in many people’s eyes. Too bad. More for us, I always have said. And Jessica Cadmus is unafraid of being herself. She has led the kind of life that belies her years, whatever they are, she has achieved amazing things. Entrepreneur? Check, Business Woman? Check. Bagel maker? Really? So read on, and please discover a female entrepreneur who is making a product that is bespoke, and elegant. Crafty and polished. Jessica sent one to me, and at first I didn’t know what to do with it. But as Hermes is to a woman’s purse, Rogue Paq is to cannabis accoutrements. Elegance, Guts and Determination. All wrapped up into a little thing we call success. Thank you Jessica for being the person who is intent on being herself. One stitch at a time. Cheers! wb