Is it the New Year already? It seems like Thanksgiving of 2017 was just yesterday. But what makes this time of the year most exciting for me is the creativity in the drinks. Sure, I’m tasting all sorts of mixed drinks- but the ones that I really want to taste are precisely the ones that mean memories for me. Those would be the hot ones. The drinks that go down my throat and make each sniff or sip something unique and friendly. We survived the holidays, now we need some comfort at the end of the day- or if you are exceptionally optimistic- first thing in the morning. You see, a hot toddy is not just for the after dinner / before bed experience. Some even are just as refreshing and calming for a breakfast slurp. Not that I’m advocating morning drinking! Far from… But at the end of the day- where night turns to day- I’m looking towards drinks that have a robust nature to them. Tea based is a good place to start and no other tea works for morning than a rambunctious Lapsang Souchong tea from China. This tea is heavily smoked and takes to botanical gin with a ‘how do you do’ that is reminiscent of Singapore before the Opium Wars. It’s served as it should be in a perfectly formed, hand-made, porcelain teacup. A simple sprig of chive rests gently over the steaming liquid- bitter chive against smoky tea. The vivid green color against the brownish steaming tea. Quite elegant and this drink is absolutely perfect as a breakfast sipper during brunch. And served in a teacup, no one knows your business- it’s steaming, right? Of course, I used the Breakfast Gin from FEW Spirits.
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