Elevate Luxury
Did you have a dug-out in high school or college? I certainly did. It was an unwieldy thing as I remember. Kind of hippy-chic- no, it was not at all elegant, the bat was made from heat conducting brass, it clogged easily, burnt my lips from the heat and left specks of resin-tar and burning cannabis leaf on my teeth. The wooden box that held my herbs, let’s just say it was far from air-tight and once the spring that held the lid on got loose, the entire ‘stash-box’ would open up and empty into my pocket (lint and all), more than my ‘bat’… Those wasted herbs commingled with my pocket change just won’t do any longer now that I’ve grown up! Enter the world of luxury cannabis implements and the Elevate Dug-Out. On first glimpse, this handy-crafted dug out is sleekly elegant. This device screams bespoke…hence, each one is engineered, by hand…One at a time. Crisply manufactured, the softly polished exterior is not a cheap tropical wood product, but one that is finely formed- utilizing the finest exotic wood available. There are the twelve ‘rare-earth’ magnets that seal the well-weighted lid to the base with a satisfying click as the magnets engage-making the entire package scent-proof and certainly nearly waterproof. There is the generous ‘stash’ container that can be filled with about a gram or more of your finest herbs, well ground of course, leaving ample room for some beeswax coated hemp wick to light your glass joint, instead of using using that carcinogenic butane lighter sitting in your hand to do this seemingly mundane task. The ‘bat’ appears to be perfectly blown by hand (mouth) with an interior shelf inserted inside the glass joint itself that prohibits the fine grains of your herbs from flowing back into your mouth, therefore burning your lips and tongue. The size of the bat is not as minuscule in dimension as the dug-out pipe of my memories. It is slightly stout in width, like a miniature cigar, and quite robust in its unique sort of manner. The glass blown joint fits your fingers easily, with alacrity. The polished dark wooden tip offers another level of overall elegance with scarcely a burned lip or tongue to be had. In fact, the very thought of burning your lips, fingers or tongue are sent way into your distant memory.