The Hall of Flowers, held twice per year in Santa Rosa, California acted as my muse bringing together the best and the brightest to my trained palate. But don’t take it from me directly, you simply must travel to California yourself and take the journey. As I found covering the craft spirits business and writing six books on the topic, there are different levels of good. A couple weeks ago I led a panel at the Berlin Bar Convent for Park Street University on Cannabis Cocktails. The consensus at the end of the panel was encouraging. High quality craft spirits manufacturers are genuinely intrigued by the combination of their excellent craft spirits and the addition of hemp based CBD. Unfortunately here in the USA, even the mere reference to THC is much more oblique. Through marketing, anything can be invented. Just look at the worm in Mezcal. If you ate one of these things please contact me. And if you drink rum based on the color of the liquid in that expensive bottle, you’ve been hoodwinked again. Most of what you pay extra for has been caramel colored. Oh gosh, why would they do that? Because there are no rules in rum! Rhum? Well that’s another story for another day. They have rules, but you are confused. I’m positive. No need for that in cannabis.